So this is likely the final wellness wednesday thread. I met my cousin sister and we spent a bunch of time just roaming around the city, talking about stuff. We saw my old school where I spent 11 years. We later went to meet my high school senior who is also my cousins friend. I remember being around that chick and she was quite nice. I first met her in 2014 as a 14 year old in 9th grade and immediately made fun of her. My cousin herself met her a few years later. This senior of mine shared a cigarette with me and we all discussed our struggles in life with parents who have sky high academic expectations. It was cathartic and easily the highlight of my month. I am in good hands now, I workout almost daily, try to work, see my psychiatrist on time and am trying my bes...
Does Effective Altruism have a *current* opinion on how to most effectively cease the suffering caused by Russia's invasion of the Ukraine? Or more concretely, which program/intervention offers me the most effective 'counteract Russian terrorism' per $1, taking into account short- and long-term effects?...
Starting PhD program in neurosci in 1 week. General advice is wanted, but I have one specific question: how do I build a close knit group of friends? I am a little scared bc i am 21 and 2 years younger than anyone in my cohort of 20 ppl. I still like to hang out with my undergrad friends (moving away 400 miles) and do undergrad things (getting very very wasted etc)....
I have had this sitting for a week but it never seemed to fit in the small-scale or friday fun or wednesday wellness. So I guess the question is "how evil can a product be?" Short version: A consumer can buy a 30 TB hard drive off of Alibaba or Walmart's website (which is a reseller using them as a storefront). The capacity is fake. Someone wrote hacked firmware so that two flash drives have (each) 512MB of actual storage self-report as 15TB. When you go to use it, the hacked firmware pretends to write the files and creates the whole directory structure. The directory structure is the only permanent part. The file contents start getting overwritten once you put in too much ...
So, what are you reading? I'm starting Minsky's *Society of Mind*, a classic AI text about building minds from smaller, mindless components. The current zeitgeist seems to be moving away from classic AI, but eventually we'll need better understanding of where precisely our machine-learning models fit in the broader scheme of knowledge. "Shut up and scale" doesn't seem entirely satisfactory. Maybe going over some slightly dust-covered ideas might spark some useful thinking. The book itself seems like a mix of aesthetic quirks and precision, and I seem to be in the mood for that....
Recently [posted]( my summary of the article [“Transformative agreements: Do they pave the way to open access?”]( (2020) about struggles between publishers and pubic research institutions. I read the article to contextualize US govt [statement]( from Aug 25, announcing that immediate open access to all taxpayer-funded research articles should be implemented by 2025, thus eliminating current 12 months embargo. I wanted to...
**European Probation/Early Release Scandals:** After playing a game that made fun of him, I read that Josef Fritzl, [World's Least Popular Austrian (silver medalist)]( might be eligible for probation next year, after 15 years in prison for the whole multi-generational incest rape dungeon business. It made me curious: what's the media environment in european countries like when this happens? Does the press pay any attention to it? Do people ever talk seriously about maybe bus-full-of-nuns-murderers needing to spend more time in prison? In the UK it's usually only the Daily Mail that notices/comes out with headlines about bringing back hanging, while the US sometimes gets some hand-wringing in the serious-people papers if th...
I was reading about someone who was diagnosed with small intestine cancer , and one of his symptoms was he would get a lot of pain a few hours after eating, presumably due to have an obstruction, so in order to mitigate this he ate once every 24 hours . He also kept his daily calorie intake up by drinking shakes, yet he still lost 3/lbs a week even though his calorie intake was presumably the same. Some for people with esophagus cancer who go to a liquid diet; they lose so much weight despite consuming unlimited liquid calories. I wonder if liquid diets violate the age-old calorie-in-calorie out maxim. Of course, some of this weight loss is due to the cancer itself, but I wonder how much the liquid diet plays a role in this too....
Why is so much music about sex? I guess I never thought about it before. I’m searching for mellow upbeat music and anything with lyrics is about sex and crushes. It doesn’t *have* to be this way; I used to listen to post-rock and it was not very sexed. Hymns are rarely sexy. But I like the indie genre, I just get tired of music about girls....
So I ordered a [NuXT]( It hasn't shipped yet. But I like to be able to code on every piece of hardware I own. So I began noodling around, trying to set up a cross coding environment today. I started with Visual Studio Code since it's crazy flexible. Then I set up a bunch of task to compile my ASM files using NASM, using the CPU 8086 directive and outputting as OBJ files which need to be linked. I'm under the impression 16-bit code is the default with this arrangement. I found a free linker called ALINK which then links the OBJ files into an EXE. Then I set up, in kind of a janky way, for the Run command to launch DOSBOX and execute it's debug command on ...
Are there any writings about the relationship between dreams and AI generated imagery? There are striking resemblances between commonly reported phenomena reported by lucid dreamers and people with above average dream recall and generated images. The most interesting phenomenon to me is that counting and reading in dreams is impossible. Lucid dreamers use this by counting their fingers or looking at clock as their “reality check” to tell if they are dreaming or not. It seems odd to me that humans can just forget the number of fingers they have. AI generated images have a similar problem with not caring much about discrete units....
Probably better for WW or SQS, but to avoid ending up like u/orthoxerox... For all our optimization/nootropics bros, what's the best way to adjust my early-bird sleep schedule to go out partying on one night or two and then go right back to my standard sleep schedule? I'm an early bird, I basically go to sleep by 10:30 at the latest and get up between 4:30 and 5:00 every day. Getting up early is important to me, I like it, I function well that way from years of farm work and crew practice growing up. But as I'm getting into middle age, I find it is getting hard for me to deal with days when I'm at a wedding or a party or a gala or whatever and I want to stay up later and find my body failing me. I'm curious if there's any scientifically supported evidence for how to h...
Recently, I learned of something called [Terryology](, a form of "math" developed by Terrence Howard, the actor who played James Rhodes in the first *Iron Man* film before he was replaced by Don Cheadle in later films. It seems that he had an issue with the proposition that "1 x 1 = 1" and thus sought to disprove it; here's a quotation from an argument he claimed he had with a professor: > How can it equal one? If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told it's two, and that cannot be. Apparently he had such a problem with the...
[Gallery of cereal boxes with mascots generated by DALLE-2]( One of my online acquaintances is good at wrangling AI art generators to get surreal stuff. Here's the rest of [his DALLE-2 gallery]( in addition to [Midjourney]( and [DALLE-Mini]( generated stuff....
Ooh fun yay :) I wrote some books... and some short stories: AND some poetry: Free to read, and somewhat unrelated to this sub, but hey it fits the fun theme, and I'm somewhat trying to write rational fantasy if there is such a thing. Not sure I quite achieved that. Anyone else here a "writer" who studied science or engineering with the intent of writing technically accurate fiction only to find it's much harder than you think? I never know quite enough, and when I do, no one thinks it's a real thing. I once wrote a story about a mechanic and an actual issue I faced with my car and people though...
I should start writing down my Friday Fun ideas. They always come to me on Saturday nights, when the next SQS sticky is just around the corner, so I never post them, saving them for the next FF sticky. Now it's Friday morning, and my head is devoid of ideas beyond going shopping for a pull-up bar and discount male fashion....
Has anyone on here had any success in convincing a doctor to pursue a particular treatment course? A family member is currently experiencing an uncommon health issue on which there is limited research in the literature. I’ve found a few papers indicating that a certain treatment, although aggressive and not usually considered necessary, is 100% effective in preventing a fatal outcome. These are all peer-reviewed papers in respected academic journals written by well-credentialed researchers at reputable university medical schools. How can I bring this research up to my family member’s doctor without offending their ego or something? Can I bring a printout with these papers as a reference and summarizing their key points?...
This probably isn't the best place for relationship advice but here goes nothing. My live-in girlfriend of one year recently told me that while she loves me, she isn't 'in love' with me. Apparently these things are quite different for her. Essentially, while she has loved all of her previous boyfriends, there was only one that she was 'in love' with, who was from several years ago and not the one before me. She told me it might take time for her to feel 'in love', but that if she doesn't feel it, she'll break up with me. Her parents had a nasty divorce so she's paranoid about settling down with someone who isn't her 'soulmate'. (Not her exact words, but that was the gist of it). Overall I feel pretty hurt by this. Saying we loved eachother seemed like a big deal to ...
My younger brother died suddenly in his sleep earlier today. He had a heart condition, but this was totally unexpected. He was in his early 30s. I had spoken to him on Sunday. I only found out a few hours ago. My parents are devastated. I'm not sure why I'm posting this. How do people go on after this?...
I'm looking for a really good personal organizer, ideally a combination calendar and task list. As of today I am using Google Calendar combined with Todoist. Todoist caveats: - No tracking of start date, only due date. Any task with a date configured is assumed to be a discrete amount of work to be done on the day that it is due, or shortly before. - There is no concept of prioritization within a time window. I can't ask "what is the most urgent task that I need to get done within two weeks?" - If I have a daily recurring task and I mark it as done for yesterday, then the next occurence is tomorrow. There is no concept of catching up on overdue engagements. The app is swell though....
Someone on here recommended the podcast The Drive by Peter Attia. I started listening to it and it is a great podcast! I don’t know too much about the science of health besides the very basics so this is pretty cool. What episodes do you all recommend? I listened to the skin care episode (forgot which one that was). The upshot was use sunscreen daily, vitamin A cream and interestingly enough vitamin C cream on your face. I have episodes 134 and 206 downloaded which are about preventing heart disease (I have some bad family history there) and exercise respectively. Specifically, I am interested in the exercise ones. I do crossfit type high intensity workouts three times per week which is 3 hours of exercise. I have a feeling that some more time with lower intensity e...
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