Recently, I learned of something called [Terryology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrence_Howard#Terryology), a form of "math" developed by Terrence Howard, the actor who played James Rhodes in the first *Iron Man* film before he was replaced by Don Cheadle in later films. It seems that he had an issue with the proposition that "1 x 1 = 1" and thus sought to disprove it; here's a quotation from an argument he claimed he had with a professor: > How can it equal one? If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told it's two, and that cannot be. Apparently he had such a problem with the...
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