Friday Fun
I was reading about someone who was diagnosed with small intestine cancer , and one of his symptoms was he would get a lot of pain a few hours after eating, presumably due to have an obstruction, so in order to mitigate this he ate once every 24 hours . He also kept his daily calorie intake up by drinking shakes, yet he still lost 3/lbs a week even though his calorie intake was presumably the same. Some for people with esophagus cancer who go to a liquid diet; they lose so much weight despite consuming unlimited liquid calories. I wonder if liquid diets violate the age-old calorie-in-calorie out maxim. Of course, some of this weight loss is due to the cancer itself, but I wonder how much the liquid diet plays a role in this too....
Why is so much music about sex? I guess I never thought about it before. I’m searching for mellow upbeat music and anything with lyrics is about sex and crushes. It doesn’t *have* to be this way; I used to listen to post-rock and it was not very sexed. Hymns are rarely sexy. But I like the indie genre, I just get tired of music about girls....
So I ordered a [NuXT]( It hasn't shipped yet. But I like to be able to code on every piece of hardware I own. So I began noodling around, trying to set up a cross coding environment today. I started with Visual Studio Code since it's crazy flexible. Then I set up a bunch of task to compile my ASM files using NASM, using the CPU 8086 directive and outputting as OBJ files which need to be linked. I'm under the impression 16-bit code is the default with this arrangement. I found a free linker called ALINK which then links the OBJ files into an EXE. Then I set up, in kind of a janky way, for the Run command to launch DOSBOX and execute it's debug command on ...
Are there any writings about the relationship between dreams and AI generated imagery? There are striking resemblances between commonly reported phenomena reported by lucid dreamers and people with above average dream recall and generated images. The most interesting phenomenon to me is that counting and reading in dreams is impossible. Lucid dreamers use this by counting their fingers or looking at clock as their “reality check” to tell if they are dreaming or not. It seems odd to me that humans can just forget the number of fingers they have. AI generated images have a similar problem with not caring much about discrete units....
Probably better for WW or SQS, but to avoid ending up like u/orthoxerox... For all our optimization/nootropics bros, what's the best way to adjust my early-bird sleep schedule to go out partying on one night or two and then go right back to my standard sleep schedule? I'm an early bird, I basically go to sleep by 10:30 at the latest and get up between 4:30 and 5:00 every day. Getting up early is important to me, I like it, I function well that way from years of farm work and crew practice growing up. But as I'm getting into middle age, I find it is getting hard for me to deal with days when I'm at a wedding or a party or a gala or whatever and I want to stay up later and find my body failing me. I'm curious if there's any scientifically supported evidence for how to h...
Recently, I learned of something called [Terryology](, a form of "math" developed by Terrence Howard, the actor who played James Rhodes in the first *Iron Man* film before he was replaced by Don Cheadle in later films. It seems that he had an issue with the proposition that "1 x 1 = 1" and thus sought to disprove it; here's a quotation from an argument he claimed he had with a professor: > How can it equal one? If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told it's two, and that cannot be. Apparently he had such a problem with the...
[Gallery of cereal boxes with mascots generated by DALLE-2]( One of my online acquaintances is good at wrangling AI art generators to get surreal stuff. Here's the rest of [his DALLE-2 gallery]( in addition to [Midjourney]( and [DALLE-Mini]( generated stuff....
Ooh fun yay :) I wrote some books... and some short stories: AND some poetry: Free to read, and somewhat unrelated to this sub, but hey it fits the fun theme, and I'm somewhat trying to write rational fantasy if there is such a thing. Not sure I quite achieved that. Anyone else here a "writer" who studied science or engineering with the intent of writing technically accurate fiction only to find it's much harder than you think? I never know quite enough, and when I do, no one thinks it's a real thing. I once wrote a story about a mechanic and an actual issue I faced with my car and people though...
I should start writing down my Friday Fun ideas. They always come to me on Saturday nights, when the next SQS sticky is just around the corner, so I never post them, saving them for the next FF sticky. Now it's Friday morning, and my head is devoid of ideas beyond going shopping for a pull-up bar and discount male fashion....
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